Salads are considered one of the healthiest foods that help to lose weight as well provide proper nutrients to our body.

Considered it to be one of the healthy alternative to regular meals salads have always been part our body whether to have it along with our lunch meal or eating raw vegetables.

Here are 4 salad recipes that you can eat if you are on a weight loss diet:

  • Spicy Cucumber salad

Summers have arrived and eating cucumber is a great delight in this season. Prepare it by chopping some cucumbers and add chilli pepper, pepper flakes, peanuts, lime juice, salt and sugar to it. Cucumber salads are filling and delicious at the same time.

  • Beetroot salad

If you are someone who likes beetroot, this recipe is right for you. Grate or chop a beetroot into small pieces. Add curd, black pepper powder, salt , a pinch of sugar, coriander leaves and roasted cumin seeds powder and mix it well.

  • Sprouted moong dal salad

Moong dal sprouts are nutritious and a salad of these along with vegetables will boost the nutritional value. Prepare it by taking a cup of moong dal sprouts, chopped cucumber, green chillies, lemon juice, and chopped onions. Assemble them all and add salt and black pepper powder to this.

  • Black chana salad

Black chana are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fibre. It is a also a good source of Vitamin B6, C, folate, iron and copper. Prepare a delicious salad by boiling pre-soaked chana in a pressure cooker. Chop vegetables like cucumber, carrot, onion and add these to the chana. Add lemon juice, coriander leaves, salt and black pepper to it.