Eminent filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri has pointed fingers at the content of recent Bollywood films. Vivek Agnihotri said that the middle-class recent Bollywood films can barely relate to these movies which has led to the failure of the films to get people to the theatres.

Vivek Agnihotri along with Sudhir Mishra in his latest podcast said that he has been boycotted in the Bollywood industry and has found solace in the middle-class people. He also said that he has talked to a lot of housewives and they mentioned having issues with over-exposure and vulgar displays of physical attitude and people are irritated that the films do not address the social concerns of people. However, Sudhir Mishra argued that the audience has become lazy and so they do not prefer watching movies in cinema halls.

The Kashmir Files director Vivek Agnihotri has cited the example of Karan Johar’s film Student of the Year and said that the kind of youth depicted in the film is not the youth of the country in reality and you won’t find such youth shown in the movies. He also said that he could relate to the film Deewar when he watched it but now there is no relatability to the film.  

When Agnihotri asked about disrespecting the sensibilities of the audience, Sudhir Mishra said that the audience has become lazy. Vivek Agnihotri argued that “Boycott Bollywood is not fake and the audience has not become lazy and want to understand the audience of these films and the concerns the films convey. Even Manmohan Desai’s films catered to the issues of a middle-class man but there is no common man in today’s films.

Besides this Agnihotri said that nobody except him and Kangana Ranaut raises questions against the practices of the Hindi film industry. Talking about it he says that if the film industry is doing something wrong, it is our right to question it, at least the intellectuals and liberals should do it. The film industry is establishment by the people and those questioning the state must also raise question against the establishment from which they are earning a living. He also said that he should not be boycotted if he raises question against the practices of the industry

Moreover, Agnihotri has been quite vocal about his opinion on the film industry on social media. He also questioned people who spoke against his film The Kashmir Files.