After their dreamy engagement ceremony, actor Parineeti Chopra and her politician fiance Raghav Chadha will tie the knot between September and November this year in Rajasthan.

According to reports, Parineeti Chopra went scouting for the venue in Udaipur and is exploring Kishnagarh now.

She is also planning to visit Jaipur. While she went solo to visit Udaipur, but was joined by Raghav Chadha for the rest of her trip in Rajasthan.

Furthermore, the deputy director of tourism department of Udaipur – Shikha Saxena said that she met Parineeti Chopra at the airport and then they visited the venues together.

Reports say that Parineeti Chopra’s assistant noted down every single piece of information.

The couple is also looking at November to get hitched.

Meanwhile, according to the reports, it will be a big Punjabi-style wedding, involving all family members and friends.

Parineeti is also paying special attention to see how the guests will spend their time in the middle of the festivities.