Red Panda Winter Carnival

The Red Panda Winter Carnival in Sikkim concluded on January 18 after 11 days of jam-packed performances and elaborate showcasing of cultural abundance and natural bio-diversity of the state.

The Carnival concluded on a high note, with a captivating performance by Indie pop star and Bollywood singer Mohit Chauhan before a packed Paljor Stadium crowd in the state capital.

The singer sang different renditions of his popular numbers for around two hours leaving the gathering of thousands mesmerized.

His show brought down the curtains for the carnival organized by the Sikkim Government in a glorious attempt at promoting communal harmony, whereby all ethnic communities of the State came together to celebrate life and the rich culture of the State.

Governor Shriniwas Patil, along with State Tourism Minister Ugen T Gyatso Bhutia, State Forest Minister T W Lepcha and film-maker Boney Kapoor, who was an invitee to this event, was present at the concluding event.

Chauhan thanked the people of Sikkim for their hospitality and spread the message of ‘Stay Clean and Green’.

The Red Panda Winter Carnival kicked off on January 8 last with A R Rahman attending the inaugural function at Paljor Stadium where State Chief Minister Pawan Chamling formally announced the music maestro as the brand ambassador for the state of Sikkim.