Actor and Filmmaker Ajay Devgn recently revealed when he wanted to quit acting in his 90s. The actor has worked in over half-a-dozen movies in his 90s.

He said that although he has been a workaholic and feels like going back to work within two days of his family vacation, there was a time when he actually wanted to leave movies at the peak of his career.

While attending the Critics’ Choice Awards 2023, when Ajay was asked how he has maintained his hunger for work, he said that it is inborn. Further, when he was asked whether the hunger has ever faded, he said that it has faded. In the 90s, he used to work in 14-15 films at a time. He used to do four shifts of 5-6 hours shifts. He used to go for work at 7am and then shoot till about 12 on one set and in the same pair of jeans go to the other set. He just used to change the jacket or the shirt and shoot for 4-5 hrs.

He even reached a point when he wanted to stop as he wasn’t enjoying his work. At that time, the guild enforced a rule that no actor need to work more than 12 films at a time concurrently on the floors. The guild enforced the rule because the actors were doing too many films. That was the phase when he started doing two or three films in a year. Meanwhile, he loves going to work and if he has nothing to do for two days, he does not know what to do with himself.

Moreover, Ajay was last seen in the action-thriller Bholaa, which was also directed by him. The film made a gross of more than Rs 100 crore at the global box office and received mixed reviews from the audience.