
Arunodoi Academy organized a four-day orientation programme on English language teaching for teachers of various primary and high schools in Tangla on wednesday.

Noted English Language Teaching expert of Northeast and former academic officer of the Board of Secondary Education Assam Sawpon Dowerah conducted the session on the first day.

Speaking at the session he said, “The teaching fraternity has to keep abreast with the ever changing technology and the mindset of the students and the urge for self-improvement is the most essential quality a teacher can have.”

He further observed that students specifically in the primary section need audio-visual aids to have better grasp on the topics. The students should be taught pronunciation instead of being a passive listener in school. Children should be active speakers in class to enhance good learning.

Sawpon Dowerah also spoke about the Language Acquisition Device (LAD) challenges in language teaching, specifically in primary section. He asked the teaching fraternity to be patient while imparting the lesson.

The opening session was attended by academician Jewel Rajkhowa, journalist Shajid Khan who were also feted with phulam bihuwan by the teaching staff.

Napoleon Daimari, principal of the academy, gave a brief introduction of the resource person Sawpon Dowerah . The other three day sessions will be conducted by Former Principal of RC Sahariah Teachers’ Training College, Professor Satyen Chakrabarty, CRC Government of Assam, Parag Sarma and Principal of Arunodoi
Jr College, Pranabjyoti Das.