Panoramic view of the Assam Don Bosco University Campus

The authorities of Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU), Tepesia on the outskirts of Guwahati have landed themselves in hot water over serious allegations by the students of not being provided basic amenities in the campus.

The students of ADBU approached the University Grants Commission (UGC), and have urged them to immediately address their grievances on the lack of basic amenities and infrastructure in the University campus.

Students have repeatedly alleged that the isolated campus lacks the basic amenities required for the functioning of a residential University such as proper internet and phone network coverage, sexual harassment complaints’ cell, placement officer and cell, RTI cell other basic equipment required for an educational institution to function properly.

The students have also complained about the hostel toilets being unclean and the lack of proper maintenance staff to clean them. Most of the time, the students have to clean the toilets themselves.

“Most of the areas of the campus are out of network coverage and internet facilities are almost non-existent. Our courses demand that we remain updated with the latest developments in the field but we are unable to do so. This makes it very difficult for us to study,” a statement issued to the media by the students said.

The university authorities have, however, vehemently refuted the claims as being baseless. They provided assurances that regular maintenance of toilets and hostels are taken care of by proper maintenance staff and high-speed internet facility is also available on every corner of the campus.