
The Doon School of Dehradun, the premier boarding school of the country, has announced its residential ‘Summer @ Doon Leadership Programme’ from June 2 to 16 next.

The programme is open to all aspiring girls and boys in Grades 9-12.

According to a press release, application for this programme closes on April 30 next.

This ‘dynamic and thought provoking’ leadership programme will be a blend of creative experiential learning, leadership case studies, design thinking, motivational lectures, outdoor adventures, self-reflection and group interaction.

Summer @ Doon 2017_1

The programme will allow students to expand their horizons across many disciplines and learn through the lenses of psychology, history, geography, philosophy and economics.

A critically important element will be the relationship between leadership, social service and environmental responsibility.

This programme will ensure that boys and girls develop a deeper understanding of what successful leadership is all about and what is required to demonstrate it in the 21st century in the context of a developing society in an increasingly globalized world.

The programme will be taught by many of the school’s experienced staff as well as by Doon School alumni and other special guests.

Summer @ Doon 2017_2

The two week long programme will be an adventure that promises to be challenging and intellectually demanding, enabling students to meet and make like-minded friends, and to learn from each other and the adults leading the camp.

The course was opened in 2014 and has received rave reviews. For more details about the Summer @ Doon Leadership programme, aspirants from across the North-east as well as other parts of the country can visit the website:

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