dcb girls college

Devi Charan Barua (DCB) girls college of Jorhat celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of the institution with a two-day long celebration. The celebrations started with a cultural rally in the college premises.

The educational institution, one of the oldest women’s institution of upper Assam, has completed 62 years.

Deen Nath Bordoloi, President of the Organizing Committee of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations presided over the open session on Wednesday, at the college auditorium.

Pallab lochan Das, Minister of State for Power, Revenue and Disaster Management and Minister Labour and Employment, Tea Tribes Welfare.  addressed an open session at the celebrations.

He appealed to the students to come forward for the development of the society. He also assured that the Government would take steps for developing women education.

Eminent educationist former Vice-Chancellor of NEHU Mrinal Miri, also spoke about girls education. Noted Journalist Patricia Mukhim, who was also present on the occassion said that women are one of the most important parts of the society, DCB girls college is our proud and dignity.

Devajit Boruah is Northeast Now Correspondent in Jorhat. He can be reached at: [email protected]