Photo: NE Now

The Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samiti, Guwahati on Sunday undertook a tree plantation drive with all the Bal Vikas students of different units of Guwahati at the Botanical Garden of the Assam State Zoo to commemorate the Earth Day and the ongoing Aradhana Mahotsavam month celebration.

“The event was organized as part of our continuing efforts to raise the level of environmental awareness in the society and to express the joy of being inspired by Sri Sathya Sai Baba through an act of benevolence to the society,” informed Bhaskar Das, Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samiti, Guwahati Convenor.

Photo: NE Now

Das also informed that about 35 participants including Bal Vikas students, gurus, parents and Seva Dal members took part in it and planted about 30 tree saplings which included various trees and medicinal herbs.

“Guwahati Samiti is very much thankful to the DFO, Assam State Zoo and all its staff and members of the zoo for generous support and encouragement to the event,” said Das.

The DFO personally encouraged the students about importance of trees and how they should be treated.

Photo: NE Now

By involving Bal Vikas children in this Seva programme, the adults have been able to demonstrate before them the importance of taking care of nature and the environment.

A sapling can be helped to grow straight, but once it becomes a tree it is more difficult to guide in its growth. Similarly, a child must be shown the right way from a very young age.

“Like the saplings, we planted saplings today with a hope that the essence of the spirit of selfless service will take firm root in the children’s hearts. We pray that those saplings grow into big trees, bearing the fruits of love and providing the shade of forbearance to the very environment and the community of their upbringing,” added Das