The Sale of Articles of Rural Artisans Society (SARAS) Fair 2017 concluded today. It brought together numerous Self Help Groups (SHGs) and entrepreneurs to showcase their products on one single platform. In total seventeen states participated in the fair organized by Assam State Rural Livelihoods Mission. It was held at the Ganesh Mandir Indoor Stadium field from December 11-22.

In the concluding ceremony, Lakhimi Self Help Group of Chandrapur, Assam was awarded for being the highest selling stall by earning more than five lakhs with their sales. “We have received a very positive response from people for our products which are skin-friendly. We use natural dyes on eri silk clothing by extracting it from turmeric, onion peels, flowers etc.,” said Namita Abang of Lakhimi SHG.

The Self Help Group comprises of 11 women and came under ASRLM in 2014. Their products have also been showcased at India International Trade Fair (IITF) Delhi for four consecutive years. The members have received natural dye training from North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. (NEDFi).

State Mission Director, Nandita Hazarika emphasized on the need for product diversification for better income generation in the future. Several other Self Help Groups also fared really well namely, Sri Krishna Self Help Group from Gujarat, Sanjeevani Self Help Group from Assam, Krishi Shakti from Goa.

Sukrity Gogoi is Staff Correspondent of Northeast Now. She can be reached at: [email protected]