Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE), Guwahati is hosting a conclave for women entrepreneurs of Assam. The conclave will be held on January 29-30 at NEDFI House, Guwahati.

The Conclave would address issues and challenges in entrepreneurship, scale up innovative business ideas and document profiles of women entrepreneurs of Assam, said Sriparna B Baruah, Head of Indian Institute of Entrepreneurs’ Centre for Excellence.

“It is a platform for learning the best practices, knowledge sharing, promoting business and building connections,” Baruah said.

Most of the women entrepreneurs from Assam are engaged in conventional sectors like handloom and handicraft, food processing and beauty and wellness.

The conclave would focus on sectors such as food processing, beauty and wellness, handloom, handicraft and fashion, tourism and hospitality, media & entertainment, education, agri-horticulture, social entrepreneurship, Information Technology, online business, branding, packaging and printing along with logistics and transportation.

It would provide an opportunity for the entrepreneurs to exhibit their products and there will be innovative stalls acting as an information cell on various aspects of business, Baruah added.

The event would be sponsored by the Office of Assam Commissioner of Industries and Commerce and implemented by Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.