The biggest benefit of living in the 21st century is that one gets an opportunity to learn various skills and diversify careers. Unlike our previous generations, we can change our profession at any point of time and can work in multiple areas if we want. The US-based entrepreneur, Vik Sharma is one of the best examples and an inspiration for many.

A graduate in Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Vik made a big name in the steel industry but when something as new as crypto excited him, he decided to follow the path his heart suggested. Needless to say, he managed to carve his own path in crypto also.

Let’s have a look at the career path of Vik Sharma so far:

After graduation, Vik started as the President of Sherman International Corporation and then soon decided to work in the steel industry. Being the Director of Liberty Steel Holdings, he took the organisation to new heights. Currently, Liberty produces 1 million tons of steel in the USA, has over 2500 employees, and has annual revenues of over $1B. Now that’s outstanding!

While he continues to hold his presence in the steel industry, Vik is also making it big in the crypto world. While he started mining Bitcoin in 2013 only, he decided to take his passion for crypto to the next level in 2017 as he built Cake Wallet and then launched it in 2018.

Cake Wallet, a cryptocurrency wallet for Monero has since expanded to Bitcoin and Litecoin.  Right now, it enjoys a user base of 250,000. But Vik has no plans to stop! While he craves to take his current projects to new levels, he recently launched Blockbuy which aims to sell cryptocurrency with credit/debit cards.

Being a super-successful entrepreneur, Vik Sharma sends a beautiful message to young minds who are gearing up to take the world by storm. “Never let anyone tell you can’t do something.  Just because someone is doing something already, doesn’t mean you can’t do it better,” he says.