One of the highest rates of morbidity and mortality, or even disability for that matter, is found in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases. While these numbers have been on the rise every passing year, inflation in our country has also constantly been a concern. It has become difficult to cope with the ever-rising medical expenses and hospitalization charges, especially when it comes to expensive procedures and treatments related to the heart.

It is not news that the lifestyle, lack of physical activity during this pandemic and the overall atmosphere of stress has rendered everyone a little more vulnerable to heart diseases, especially in India. In times like these, an insurance policy or medical cover treatment is the need of the hour to help fight these tough times.

If you are looking to get comprehensive coverage for your heart-related treatment and best-in-line benefits as well, then the mediclaim policy for heart patient can provide it all.

While the primary advantages of mediclaim policy are to cover your hospitalization and heart-related treatment expenditures, most mediclaim policies nowadays offer much more than a simple expense cover. Check out the various features that a Mediclaim policy for heart patient can offer you and your family:

  1. Cashless Claim and Facility for Reimbursement

With this policy, the insured can enjoy cashless claims at many hospitals, i.e., all the hospitals listed with the insurer. Moreover, you do not have to worry about clearing your medical bills anymore with the mediclaim policy for a heart patient, as your insurer either does it for you or reimburses you for your expenses.

  1. Pre- and Post-Hospitalisation Charges

This policy can offer the insured a pre-and post-hospitalization cover as well, which is ideally 30 days preceding the hospitalization and 60 days once the insured is discharged from the hospital.

  1. Day-care Treatment

Not all patients end up being treated overnight and hence, it Is important to check your insurance cover for day-care treatment. The mediclaim policy for heart patients offers to cover day-care treatment expenditure related to the heart as well.

  1. Annual Health Check-Ups

You can avail of annual cardiac health check-ups with the mediclaim policy for heart patient and get the same benefit for any other family member/s if they are covered in this same policy.

  1. Transportation Charges

You no longer need to worry about your transportation when you or your family members urgently need to reach the hospital. The insurer can also avail of an ambulance facility under the mediclaim policy for heart patient during a medical emergency for themselves or their family members.

  1. Lifelong Renewability

Insurers must look for a mediclaim policy that offers lifelong renew ability as the need for a medical cover increases every passing year and is felt the most at an older age.

  1. In-Patient Care

Most policies also offer in-patient care coverage that includes care expenses if the hospitalization has lasted for 24 consecutive hours.

  1. OPD Expenditure

One of the toughest medical problems to deal with is the ailments of the heart. With this Mediclaim policy for heart patient, you can rest assured as the policy covers everything from medication and diagnosis to consultation (doctor’s visit) and pharmacy.

  1. International Second Opinion

Suppose your current treatment or diagnosis seems unsatisfactory. In that case, the mediclaim policy for heart patient allows you to get a second opinion on your diagnosis and make a better decision about the treatment.

  1. Alternate Treatments

Under this plan, you can also opt for various alternative and conventional treatments like AYUSH, i.e., Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy, which could also help with a speedy recovery.

  1. Tax Benefits

Under the Income Tax Act of 1961, you can now save tax against the premiums paid for insurance policies. You can use the income tax calculator to get an estimate of your taxable amount in the current financial years and adjust your yearly Mediclaim premiums accordingly, as they will be eligible for a tax deduction.

The features and benefits of the medical policy for heart patient are plenty, however, one of the main benefits it offers is the financial cover during one’s illness and peace of mind for their family members even during tough times. Do the smart thing and take that first step towards protecting yourself and your family members from rising medical expenses and get covered today.