Photo Credit : PaisaBazaar

Credit Information Report (CIR) contains various sections, such as your payment history, CIBIL score, recent enquiries, collateral/security details, updated DPD values, etc. that play a significant role in calculating your credit score. Days Past Due (DPD) is one of the vital components of your CIBIL report. It signifies the total number of days by which you have missed your loan EMIs or credit card payments. DPD indicates your creditworthiness and past credit behaviour that significantly influence your loan or credit card approval. 

Each time you avail a credit facility, a separate DPD table is generated in your credit report for that particular loan or credit card. In case you default on any loan payment, the DPD holds this information for at least 3 years. To check the status of your DPD, you need to monitor your CIBIL report regularly. You can also check and download your free credit score online and receive monthly updates with no impact on your credit score.

Format and Values of DPD in your CIBIL report

As aforementioned there is a separate DPD table generated for each credit product in your name. The DPD table highlights the monthly payment chart of the repayment made in the past. If in case you have done all your previous payments in time, your DPD table will reflect a numeric ‘000’. However, if you have missed or delayed the loan EMIs or credit card dues by 30 days. Your CIBIL report will contain the DPD value of ‘30’ against your previous monthly report.

‘STD’ or Standard term defines that the payment has been done within 90 days, which is considered good by the financial institutions.

‘XXX’ is shown in your credit report when the lender does not provide any relevant data regarding repayments to the credit bureau.

Any DPD value besides ‘000’ and ‘XXX’ negatively impacts your credit report.

DPD Values as per your CIBIL report

DPD Value000XXX3060

Where to find the DPD section in your CIBIL report?

The DPD section can be located below the ”Credit Account Information Details” under the ‘Payment History’ section of your CIBIL report.

Asset Classification in DPD Section

Below listed are common DPD values that are used in the DPD section of your CIBIL report.

                                                  Abbreviations in DPD Section
DPD CodesExplanation
000No delayed payments for 30 days
XXXData not reported by the lender
Standard (STD)Payments being done within 90 days
Sub-standard (SUB)Payments being done after 90 days
Doubtful (DBT)Accounts that remain sub-standard for 12 months
Loss (LSS)Accounts where losses are identified and cannot be collected

How to Report DPD Errors in Your CIBIL Report?

While checking your CIBIL report if you find some error or discrepancy, then immediately report the issue with the credit bureau. Noticing the dispute, TransUnion CIBIL shall add a tag named ‘’Under Dispute’’ to your credit report and send the same concern to the lending institution for verification. The respective lender will update the corrected information with CIBIL and DPD shall be updated. Post successful verification, the ‘’Under Dispute’’ tag will be removed from your CIBIL report.

Significance of DPD

The DPD for a specific loan or credit card is updated after your lending bank/NBFC shares the credit information to the respective credit bureaus. DPD indicates how many times or how many days you have delayed the payments and holds high importance in availing credit facilities at competitive interest rates. It plays a vital role in determining your loan or credit card eligibility, as defined by the lender. You should maintain clean DPD in order to avail hassle-free loans.

Key Takeaways:

DPD acts as a strong indicator of your creditworthiness. It reflects the times you have missed or delayed the loan EMIs and credit card bills. Clean DPD records showcase your diligence in making timely repayments of loan EMIs and credit card dues. It contains your payment records of the last 36 months. Periodic check of your CIBIL report can make you much aware of the DPD record that can be improved gradually. To check the DPD status, you can download your CIBIL report for free and look out for the ‘Payment History’ section.