Section 144
Representative image.

In order to provide security and maintenance of law and order, the East Jaiñtia Hills District in Meghalaya has promulgated an order under Section 144 CrPC prohibiting movement of cattle or person on foot or in vehicle/carriage or in any other manner in areas falling under the international border belt with Bangladesh from 6 pm to 6 am.

This order was imposed by an additional district magistrate of the district in order to prevent serious injury to BSF personnel, and prevent illegal and undesirable activities along the international border to ensure maintenance of peace and tranquility.

The order said that using of edged weapons, petrol bombs, crackers and lathi, against BSF personnel and serious breach of peace besides annoyance/injury to BSF personnel and sneaking into the Indian Territory during night hours is strictly prohibited.

This order comes into force with immediate effect and shall remain in force until further orders.

The order was imposed after receiving reports that the international border under East Jaiñtia Hills is prone to smuggling of cattle and contraband goods such as betelnut, dry fish, bidi, cigarette, tea etc.

It has also been reported that smugglers and other anti-national elements gather in large numbers near the international border during night hours to smuggle aforesaid goods from India to Bangladesh.

“These anti social elements used sharp edged weapons, petrol bombs, crackers and lathi etc against BSF personnel causing physical harm to them,” the government statement said.