31 people were injured after a 5.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Gongxian County in China’s Sichuan province.

Disaster management teams have rescued the injured people and admitted to hospitals for treatment.  The injured people are out of danger.

“None of them are in critical condition,” Xinhua news agency reported.

The quake struck at 10.29 p.m. on Saturday, at a depth of 10 km. The epicentre is monitored at 28.43 degrees north latitude and 104.77 degrees east longitude, according to the China Earthquake Networks Centre.

Saturday’s quake comes after a temblor measuring 6 on the Richter scale on June 17 jolted Changning County of Yibin, leaving 13 people dead and 220 others injured, and forcing the evacuation of 80,000 people.

Following the 5.4-magnitude earthquake on Saturday, an aftershock measuring 4.6 on the Richter scale struck Gongxian county, Yibin, at 8.28 a.m. on Sunday.