Golaghat Gymkhana
File image of Zubeen Garg. Image: Northeast Now

The District and Session Judge’s Court of Kamrup (Metro) on Friday reduced the level of punishment given to singer Zubeen Garg for allegedly slapping a minor boy in public way back in 2013.

However, the court asked the singer to pay a fine of Rs 20,000 to the minor. He was also asked to sign a bond of Rs 50,000 under the Probation of Offenders Act.

Garg was earlier sentenced to a term of three months imprisonment for allegedly slapping the minor.

The court yesterday reduced his punishment and exempted him from the jail term on the ground that he will not break any law in the next two years.

The minor whom Garg had slapped in 2013 is the son of a senior advocate of the state named Arup Borbora. The singer had slapped the boy for smoking in front of him.

The boy who is a fan of the singer had met him in the Zoo road area of Guwahati. When was trying to greet Garg, the latter allegedly slapped him.

Enraged at the slapping incident, Borbora had then lodged a complaint against Garg at the Geetanagar police station.

Garg had then claimed that he had slapped Borbora’s son as the boy who had come to meet him did not stop smoking even after he had told him not do so.