Mizoram chief minister Zoramthanga. File image

Mizoram chief minister Zoramthanga has said his party had never supported the BJP.

The chief minister, who is also the president of Mizo National Front (MNF) said his party had come under severe attacks by rival parties during almost 60 years of its existence.

“Our rivals attack us and make baseless allegations, but the MNF has never supported or become part of the saffron party,” he said at an event to pay tribute to 17 Mizo martyrs — who had laid down their lives during insurgency — at Vanapa Hall here on Tuesday.

Zoramthanga said the MNF draws inspiration not from Laldenga or other leaders but from “Almighty God”.

“We completely rely on our motto ‘For God and our nation.’ The Almighty has saved us despite violence unleashed by rival political parties who tried to destroy us. Unlike other political parties, the MNF has never changed its name and will never do that in future,” he said.

The former militant leader-turned-politician claimed that the MNF cadres did not surrender to India and they shunned violence for betterment of Mizo people.

“We pay tributes to the martyrs today because they had sacrificed their lives for the state of Mizoram which was most valuable and the greatest treasure they had. Martyrdom is the highest qualification and no other qualification can match it,” he added.

“The Mizo heroes had laid down their lives for Mizo people and Mizoram will serve as a sources of inspiration for future Mizo politicians,” said the chief minister.