Indo Myanmar cleanliness drive
Joint cleanliness drive by India and Myanmar along border.

In the first ever joint initiative, India and Myanmar organized a cleanliness drive along the border of the two countries on Friday.

Troops of 11 Assam Rifles along with Myanmar Army and Civil Administration of both the countries joined hands for carrying out a cleanliness drive along the border between pillar number 78 and gate number 2.

The event was the first ever such joint initiative at Moreh border by military and civil agencies of both the nations.

It was a huge success and has been a major milestone in mutual and joint efforts put in by both nations for betterment of relations as well as for benefit of its people.

The initiative was well received and appreciated by the locals of both sides of Indo-Myanmar Border as well as civil administration.

“A total of 156 Indian civilians and 114 Myanmarese nationals took part in this cleanliness drive. One JCB each from Indian and Myanmar were also pressed into service in the cleanliness drive which continued for more them three hours,” PRO Assam Rifles (South) says in a press release.

The event was marked by overwhelming participation of members of Society Organisations of Moreh, the Indian border town and Namphalong, a Myanmarese town both located on Manipur’s Moreh sector of Indo-Myanmar border.

Commandant of 11 Assam Rifles, Commanding Officer of 89 LIR Myanmar Army, General Staff Officer – One of RCC Kalay of Myanmar Army, Deputy Commissioner of Tamu township, Superintendent of Police Tamu town(Myanmar), Superintendent of Police Tengnoupal in Manipur, Sub-Divisional Police Officer and Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Moreh attended the event where the government representatives of the two neighbouring countries also shared and highlighted the importance of cleanliness and mutual cooperation between two neighbouring countries.

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