Nagaland CEO Abhijit Sinha.
Nagaland CEO Abhijit Sinha. File image

The district election officers (DEOs) and superintendents of police (SPs) of Nagaland have been directed to finalise their district deployment plan and hold security coordination meeting with all the security agencies in their districts.

The chief election officer (CEO) of Nagaland Abhijit Sinha and state police nodal officer held a detail review meeting, through video conferencing, with all the DEOs and SPs on poll preparedness at the CEO’s office in Kohima on Tuesday.

During the video conferencing meet, all the superintendents of police were asked to put in more efforts with regard to deposition of arms and also the preventive action that needs to be taken against identified intimidators.

The district election officers  (DEOs) were further asked to direct all the banks to report all the suspicious transactions without fail. Discussion on deployment and randomisation of polling personnel was carried out and districts were directed to make the necessary arrangement for covering all the shadow areas by proper communication system.

The districts were also told to ensure that all the arrangements are in place at the earliest.