dibru rss
Image: Northeast Now

Hundreds of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) activists on Sunday participated at a RSS Hindu Shakti Sangam programme at Chowkidinghee field in Dibrugarh of eastern Assam.

Addressing the RSS members, Akhil Bharatiya Sharirik Pramukh, Sunil Kulkarni urged the people to work for the society and strengthen the society. “The main objective of the RSS is to work for the development of the country, society and it’s people. ‘Bharat Toda Gang’ is working to divide India into parts. Through united effort we can defeat such gang,” Kulkarni said.

Kulkarni said some forces are working aganist India because of their ulterior motive. “If Hindus are united then no force can defeat us. We should always think that we are born to serve the country and the society. RSS is a non political organization and the main objective of the RSS is to think for others, work for others and strengthen the society,” Kulkarni added.

The RSS has organised the Hindu Shakti Sangam programme in Upper Assam’s Dibrugarh to organize the Hindus in one platform.

Sunil Kulkarni who stayed in Assam for many years as a RSS pracharak have a command over Assamese language and he penned several Assamese poems.

Avik Chakraborty is Northeast Now Correspondent in Dibrugarh. He can be reached at: [email protected]