NSCN(IM) rebels. (Image for representational purpose only)

A senior leader of the NSCN (IM) on Thursday denied appointing Q Tuccu as chairman of the NSCN (IM). The leader, who wished not to be named, maintained that that the NSCN (IM) leadership was yet to finalize on a successor to its late president Isak Chishi-Swu, according to reports.

Also read: Nagaland: Q Tuccu set to be new chairman of NSCN(IM)

Earlier reports were doing the rounds that Tuccu, a collective leadership member, was a consensus choice and his swearing-in was expected on Thursday.

However, the particular NSCN (IM) leader was quoted as saying that Q Tuccu was certainly one of the candidates but the leadership has not finalized who and when will be appointed.

Terming the reports as rumours, he was also quoted as saying that no swearing-in ceremony was held on Thursday and if at all it is conducted, it will occur at its headquarters.

The NSCN (IM) collective leadership, led by the Ato Kilonser, is presently in New Delhi.

Meanwhile, speculations have been doing the rounds of Tuccu being a strong contender to the top post as chairman-cum-president of the Naga Political Group even before the demise of its former president, the late Isak Chishi-Swu.