Heartwarming illustration of Bhutan's king and prince in Jan calendar win hearts
Heartwarming illustration of Bhutan's king and prince in Jan calendar win hearts Photo: Yellow Bhutan

Bhutan royals, king Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and crown prince Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck feature in the 2019 edition of Yellow Bhutan’s monthly calendar.

The king and the crown prince are featured in an illustration by artist Ugyen Dorji in the calendar, instead of a typical photo, according to a report in Royalcentral.

Yellow Bhutan had this to say about their latest calendar , “2018 was a great year, which ended in a particularly special way for us in Bhutan– the National Day Celebrations in Samtse was a huge success, and the entire country came together to celebrate in the spirit of unity and love.

“To celebrate the New Year, our calendar this month features an illustration by Artist Ugyen Dorji, based on one of the most moving images from National Day.

“Ugyen, who uses the name “Home Based Illustrator” on Instagram to share his work, was amazed by the popularity of his newest drawing.”

Ugyen Dorji explained to Yellow Bhutan, “When I saw His Royal Highness bowing to His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo while watching the National Day Celebrations on television, I was deeply moved. I felt that was a historic moment, something that will linger in the minds of people for ages. It was heartwarming and beautiful, and I knew that everyone who witnessed the moment felt the way I did – and I knew I had to illustrate it, to immortalise that very special feeling.”

Yellow Bhutan said they hope the January calendar will “bring you joy and warmth as the winter chill sets in, and wish you a very Happy New Year.”

Both the King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema shared the Yellow Bhutan post on their official Facebook pages.

The royals use their social media accounts to keep the public informed about their royal engagements.

The free calendars from Yellow Bhutan include both the Gregorian calendar dates and Bhutanese Lunar calendar dates.