Indian Army families on an exchange trip to Myanmar. Photo: PIB (Defence Wing)

Indian and Myanmar armies have initiated cross-border visits of families of both the armies in order to further embolden the already robust relationship of cooperation between the two armies in the greater interests of the security of both the countries.

A defence communiqué informed that in the unique initiative 60 couples from Indian Army’s Eastern Command were sent on visit to Myanmar from December 23 to 25 this year. The Indian Army team comprised of officers, junior commissioned officers and other ranks along with their spouses. The men in uniform of the Eastern Command of Indian Army are entrusted with guarding the frontier with Myanmar.

As part of the same initiative, 60 Army couples from Myanmar Army were also on a reciprocal visit to India during the same time.

Both armies expect that such visits between the armed forces personnel and their families will add a new dimension to the already robust mechanism of defence cooperation and pave the way for a long lasting fruitful partnership between the two countries.

Armed forces of India and Myanmar share a very close relationship in terms joint training and operation while both the countries known to share a very long history of cordial relationship and trust.

The two armies need to enhance cooperation and sharing of intelligence in view of the cross-border movement insurgents from Northeastern states across India- Myanmar border to take refuge in the dense and hostile forest areas of the neighbouring country.

The India Army remain on constant vigil along the frontier with Myanmar especially in Tirap, Changlang and Longding districts of Arunachal Pradesh  to prevent cross border  movements of insurgents.