The leaders of All Koch Rajbongshi Students’ Union (AKRSU) on Sunday vowed to fight together for the rights of the community, leaving behind differences which will only lead to deviation from the main goal.

The two factions of the AKRSU–Hiteswar Barman and Pradip Roy– were united at the joint conference of the organisation held at Jamini Kr Baruah ground at Mainartal in Fakiragram of Kokrajhar district.

AKRSU leader Hiteswar Barman said that respecting the wishes of the people of the community the two factions have decided to be united and vigorously fight for the Kamtapur state.

He also called upon the Koch Rajbongshi leaders to be cautious so that no further spilt occurs in the future.

Terming the unification a big move, Pradip Roy said that AKRSU was split due to government conspiracy.

He said that the AKRSU will launch massive movement for separate Kamtapur state.

“AKRSU is no longer a faction-ridden entity but strength for the community to fight and take forward the movement and make all-out efforts for its development,” he said.