Techi Nadam
Techi Nadam

Techi Nadam bagged the second medal for Arunachal Pradesh in the ongoing Youth and Junior National Weightlifting Championship at Nagpur in Maharashtra on Monday.

She won the silver medal by lifting 56 kgs in snatch and 73 kgs in clean & jerk for a total of 129 kgs in the women’s junior 45 kg category.

It may be recalled that Nadam was adjudged as the best lifter in the eighth State Weightlifting Championship held earlier in October this year.

She had won a silver medal in the first North East Olympic Games held in Imphal in Manipur held in the month of October earlier this year.

On Sunday, Sandiya Gungli from Arunachal had bagged the bronze medal in the 40 kg weight category in the event.