The Dibrugarh based ninth Battalion of Rajputana Rifles on Saturday inaugurated a pilot project in skill development programme as part of ‘Operation Sadbhavana’.

Col Mukesh Pandey, Commanding Officer along with Laya Madduri, Deputy Commissioner of Dibrugarh were present in the event at the Extension Centre, State Institute of Panchayat and Rural Development (SIPRD), Banipur, Dibrugarh in Assam.

As part of this pilot project, a total of 60 unemployed candidates (20 women and 40 men) were selected by ninth Battalion of the Rajputana Rifles from far flung areas of Dibrugarh district and they will undergo a one month training in air conditioner and refrigerator repair, beautician and cosmetology and cutting and tailoring at SIPRD, Banipur.

Speaking on the occasion, Dibrugarh Deputy Commissioner Laya Madduri said the skill development training will immensely help in getting youths of the district employed or finding ways for self-sustenance. “Our main focus is to impart quality training to the youth and through which they can easily get jobs in industries or be self-employed,” the Dibrugarh Deputy Commissioner said.

The project will be funded by the district administration. Trainees on successful completion of these courses will get certificates from SIPRD.