Kaustav B Arya
The letter of appreciation being delivered to Kaustav B Arya. Image - Twitter (Bobbeeta Sharma)

Kaustav B Arya, a Class IX student of Assam Jatiya Vidyalaya in Guwahati, who was recently invited to participate in the ’31st Material Science Conference: Advancement and Innovations’ held in Finland and the ‘World Magnetic Material Summit’ held in Italy, has been appreciated by Congress president Rahul Gandhi.

Kaustav was selected to participate in the two international conferences for his research works in ‘Naval Vest’ and ‘Theory of Direction’. While the conference in Finland began on October 15, the conference in Italy began from October 21.

Also read: Sonowal’s best wishes for Assam’s young scientist Kaustav

The Assam Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) Outreach Team including Assam Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) senior spokesperson Bobbeeta Sharma, delivered the letter of appreciation from Congress President Rahul Gandhi to Kaustav B Arya on being selected to the international science meets in Finland and Italy for his research works.

In his letter of appreciation to child scientist Kaustav, All India Congress Committee (AICC) president Rahul Gandhi stated: “Dear Kaustav,  I write to congratulate you for being invited to the 31st Material Science Conference in Finland, and the World Magnetic Material Summit in Italy for your research works in Naval Vest and Theory of Direction.”

The AICC president stated: “Pandit Nehru was a strong advocate of scientific temper in the Indian society. He set up numerous scientific institutes of research and national laboratories of importance to provide an impetus to the country’s quest for adopting a scientific attitude.”

Rahul Gandhi also quoted Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru as saying: “It is science alone that can solve the problems of hunger and poverty, of in-sanitation and illiteracy, of superstition and deadening custom and tradition, of vast resources running to waste, of a rich country inhabited by starving people.”

Congress president Rahul Gandhi, while referring to Kaustav’s earlier invention ‘Horn for the Deaf: A Sensitive Gadget’, stated that the “device for the hearing impaired was also a commendable initiative”.

“I believe that citizens like you are instrumental in fulfilling Pandit Nehru’s vision of India. I wish you success for all your future endeavours and hope to hear from you about the conferences you attended in Finland and Italy.”