Guwahati International Film Festival
Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal inaugurating the Film Festival in Guwahati on Thursday.

Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal on Thursday inaugurated the 2nd Guwahati International Film Festival (GIFF) at Sankardev Kalakshetra here.

With special focus on ASEAN region, the 2nd edition of GIFF organized by Jyoti Chitraban in association with Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Regional Film and Television Institute will showcase altogether 108 films of more than 60 countries during its seven day long schedule.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, Chief Minister Sonowal said that the festival was a great beginning to integrate the world and the society.

“The theme of the festival Vasudeva Kutumbakam teaches us to live together, work together and grow together. Film is the medium which plays a crucial role in fulfilling this aim,” he said.

Stating that the journey of Assamese film industry started with Rupkonwar Jyoti Prasad Agarwalla’s Joymoti in 1935, he said that over the years, the Assamese films have been successful to earn acclaim from the world.

The Chief Minister appreciated the role of the film makers, artists and technicians involved in film making in Assam for this accomplishment.

Further terming the artists as messengers of God, Sonowal said that through their works, artists could connect with the society and develop positivity.

“Films are not just a medium to earn money, it is more of a tool to promote positivity, cooperation, coordination among countries and societies”, he observed.

Sonowal further said that the state government is committed to uplift the film industry in Assam and has been extending all possible support to the artists and film makers during last two years.

He also announced that the State Film Policy would come up soon in Assam, which is at the last stage of its finalization.

The Chief Minister also stressed on greater participation of students and youth in the film festival and expressed the view that it would promote creativity and positivity amongst them.

He further said that the festival would give an emphatic boost to his initiatives.

Sonowal said that State government is making all out efforts to transform Guwahati as the gateway to South East Asia and the film festival is an addition in this regard.

Ambassador of Lithuania Julius Pranevicius, Ambassador of Serbia Vladimir Maric, Ambassador Designate of Latvia, Chief Secretary Alok Kumar also spoke on the occasion.

While Chairman of Jyoti Chitraban Pabitra Margherita delivered the welcome speech, Festival Director Monita Borgohain threw light on different aspects of the festival.

Renowned actor Nipon Goswami, acclaimed filmmaker Manju Bora, Canadian filmmaker Matthew Roy were also present in the inaugural ceremony.