Head teacher of North Narayanpur Basic School Jaya Das hospitalized at SK Roy Civil Hospital after miscreants assaulted her during MR vaccination on August 28, 2018. Photo: Northeast Now

A lady head teacher was assaulted by miscreants during Measles Rubella vaccination session at North Narayanpur Basic School on Tuesday.

Following the incident of assault, head teacher Jaya Das had to be hospitalized at SK Roy Civil Hospital. On hearing about the incident, the in-charge of Algapur PHC rushed to the hospital to enquire about her health condition.

Joint Director of Health Services Dr Avijit Basu condemned the untoward incident. He appealed to the teachers’ fraternity to extend all possible support and cooperation to make the ongoing MR vaccination campaign successful. He said the health department would extend necessary medical treatment to Das till her recovery.

Inspector of Schools, Rajiv Kumar Jha said confidence building measures should be taken up so that ‘the untoward incident doesn’t act as a deterrent to the cooperative morale of the teachers and success of the (vaccination) campaign is ensured in future too.’

Following fainting of a 10-year-old girl after administering of MR vaccine at Baolipar ME School on Monday, (the girl on medical examination was diagnosed to be weak with accompanying fever), District Immunization Officer (DIO), Dr K Thambalsena has cautioned the ANMs engaged in vaccination drive to know the medical history first and not to administer vaccine to any child susceptible to reaction or having fever or any other illnesses or in empty stomach. The DIO also instructed the ANMs to make the immunization areas less crowded during vaccination.

MR vaccination sessions are going on smoothly in different schools across the district. The health authorities have been mobilising support of religious leaders and cross sections of the society in the ongoing vaccination campaign.

Rallies have also been brought out, parents-teachers meetings organised, leaflets distributed, announcements made through loud speakers and street plays conducted to drive home the efficacy and safety of the MR vaccine.