Assam Police
Photo: Assam Police Twitter

Assam Police which recently launched #Thethinkcampaign on social media takes on the disturbing viral ‘Momo Challenge’ with another catchy tweet. The game has recently gained popularity on social media platform like WhatsApp and Facebook.

The Assam Police’s post on ‘Momo Challenge’ is meant to sensitize the youth about WhatsApp forwards and rumours.

Assam Police’s #Thethinkcampaign campaign aims to combat issues like child safety, women safety, drug abuse, social evils and social media ethics to name a few. They want to create awareness about these issues by using creative visuals.

The disturbing ‘Momo Challenge’ challenge has gained major attention after a 12-year-old girl was found dead in her backyard near Buenos Aires, Argentina. The girl allegedly had an online conversation with ‘Momo’ on popular chat application, WhatsApp.

Bulging eyes out of sockets, a distorted smile stretched over a gaunt, pale face and underneath the black hair is a grotesque mixture of human and animal parts – this horrifying character is being referred to as ‘Momo’.

The Momo Challenge reportedly started on Facebook where members were “challenged” to communicate with an unknown number. Reportedly, Momo replies with violent images and threatens the player if they refuse to follow the orders that follow.

It allegedly involves challenges that encourage children to engage in a series of violent acts that end with suicide.

Previously similar challenges like the Blue Whale challenge and Legend of the Slenderman, resulted in a few tragic incidents.

Although Momo Challenge cases have not been reported in Assam as of yet, this is a preventive measure taken up by the Assam Police where youth sensitization is one of the key objectives.