fan bingbing
Popular Chinese actress Fan Bingbing who has vanished from public eye. Photo Credit -

Fans are “worried” after prominent Chinese actress Fan Bingbing of X-Men: Days of Future Past fame has disappeared from the public eye, and the State media has censored articles speculating on her whereabouts.

A report in the The Business Insider which appeared on Thursday stated that Fan was accused of tax evasion earlier this year and she has not been seen in public since July 1 last.

The report also stated that a Chinese newspaper reported last week that authorities were investigating her case and had stopped her from leaving the country. But, the report was deleted from the Internet just after it was uploaded. All other reports and social media posts speculating as to the whereabouts of the popular actor have been “scrubbed” from Chinese news and social media sites as well.

Fan who played Blink in the 2014 film X-Men: Days of Future Past has been charged with evading taxes and it is also reported that the Communist Party has ultimate control over the country’s entertainment industry and ‘blacklists’ celebrities who evade taxes and are into other criminal activities.