Anti-Tibetan movement
View of a rally against Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy. - Image credit -

The Students’ United Movement of All Arunachal (SUMAA) on Sunday announced that it would initiate its third phase of democratic movement against the State Government from July 25 next over the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy (TRP), 2014.

The union, which has been demanding rollback of TRP from the State said, its movement would be intensified and it would continue till the time the Government does not fulfill its demands.

Besides the rollback of TRP, the other demands of SUMA are – the Tibetan committee should furnish the family tree-cum-records of all Tibetan refugees settled in Arunachal Pradesh and a clarification in written from the representatives of the Tibetan population that they would not ask for ‘citizenship’ in the future.

Appreciating the West Kameng Deputy Commissioner for taking prompt action and serving notices to the illegal Tibetan refugees, who have allegedly obtained trading licenses, ST certificates and PRCs illegally, the SUMAA at the same time appealed the administration and Government not to protect or shield the Tibetans.

Further urging the DC to furnish the data/dossier of Tibetans refugees in the West Kameng district at the earliest, the union said it would not withdraw its ‘Camp Bomdila’ till its demands are met.

The union also informed that it would summon the duplicate PRC and ST certificates holders in front of the Deputy Commissioner on July 24.

Meanwhile, reacting to SUMAA’s ‘Camp Bomdila’ on the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy (TRP) and the related issues which hit the district headquarters, Bomdila, a few days back, MLA Japu Deru has called upon the people to stand united and stand tall against any perpetrators bent on disturbing the peace and tranquility of the area.

Addressing the business communities, community-based organizations, students’ unions and general public of West Kameng district at the Buddha Park in Bomdila, MLA Deru opined that whatever good the intentions may be, but no one has the right to take law into one’s own hand.

“The district administration needs to be taken into confidence to sort out the issues,” he said.

Deputy Commissioner Dr Sonal Swaroop urged the people, especially the business community, to come out of the fear-psychosis and help the administration and the police by keeping the communication lines open.

Opining that hiding facts and crimes is equivalent to committing a crime, Superintendent of Police Raja Banthia urged the people to cooperate with the police by sharing information which is vital for maintaining law and order.

A complaint letter signed by the business community was handed over to the Deputy Commissioner for redressal.

A mass rally called by the Community Based Organizations of all the six indigenous tribes of the district, All West Kameng Students’ Union, Community Based Students’ Organizations and Bomdila Town Committee was also held as a mark of protest against alleged highhandedness of SUMAA on the TRP issue and at the same time demanding the administration to take strict action against any violation of law and order in the district.

Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]