The DLEC meet in progress at the Capital Complex DC office in Itanagar. Photo Credit - Northeast Now

A meeting of the district-level executive committee (DLEC) to finalise proposals under the Chief Minister’s Samast Shiksha Yojana (CMSSY) was convened on Friday at the Capital Complex Deputy Commissioner’s (DC) office in Itanagar.

The Local MLA Techi Kaso, district administration officials as well as officials of all Line departments besides Education attended the meeting. The CMSSY aims to improve the overall quality of education.

Kaso said, “Capital Complex has the highest population and the maximum numbers of schools. Therefore, collaborative effort of the district administration along with the Education Department is required to improve the overall scenario of education.”

The MLA pointed out that every requirement of schools cannot be met, but the DC can assess ground reality and prioritise work accordingly.  He, however, recommended a few changes in the proposal that was finalised. He further hoped that under the DC, significant changes would be made in the Capital Complex, especially in education.

DC Prince Dhawan said that the Class X and XII results have put Arunachal Pradesh’s education sector in a poor light. “Our effort should be on improving the education scenario through qualitative and quantitative achievement, and we would like to see our students from Government schools in top institutes like Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS),” he said.

He further said that the system needs to be streamlined as in few schools there are shortage of teachers and in the rest, there are surplus teachers. “Therefore, we have advertised 45 posts of contractual teachers under CMSSY to fill the gap and balance the system. We have also made a proposal for in-service training of teachers for enhancing work performance and motivating the teachers,” Dhawan remarked.

“Since the Capital Complex has the maximum number of schools and funds are limited, we have focused on immediate requirements such as desks and benches, repairing and electrification to run them,” he added.

CO (Education) Moyir Kato said that a team of six officers had visited all the 74 functional schools of Capital Complex to carry out a baseline survey to assess the gap in basic physical and social infrastructure under CMSSY. “The proposal has been made as per the report of the teams,” she said.

She also outlined the proposals approved under CMSSY, some of which are repair and maintenance of classrooms including providing CGI sheets, whitewashing, electrification (internal wiring), procurement of computer and printers, laptop, copier and Internet, and hiring of faculties or in-service training of teachers, conduct of Parent-Teacher Association/Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTA/PTM), inter-school competitions and procurement of furniture.

Earlier, the Planning Coordinator JP Bagang briefed the gathering regarding the aims and objectives of the CMSSY. The main objectives of the scheme is providing flexible pool of resources for maintenance of Government schools and colleges, bridge the critical infrastructural gap in technology and to improve the quality of education imparted in schools and colleges by giving flexible funds in the districts.

Damien Lepcha is Northeast Now Correspondent in Arunachal Pradesh. He can be reached at: [email protected]