udpjpeg UDP Meghalaya: UDP banks on strong local presence for Lok Sabha polls Guwahati: In a significant setback to the Regional United Democratic Party (UDP) in Ri Bhoi, Meghalaya just ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, some prominent party leaders have announced their exit from the party to join the National People’s Party (NPP)
UDP Flag

SHILLONG: The United Democratic Party (UDP) an alliance partner in the National People’s Party (NPP)-led Meghalaya Democratic Alliance (MDA) government in the state has reportedly decided to review its ties with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

This was informed by Mayralborn Syiem, a prominent legislator and senior leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP).

Syiem said that any decision regarding the UDP’s alliance with the BJP will be determined by the party’s central leadership.

Syiem’s remarks come amidst scrutiny and criticism faced by regional parties, including the National People’s Party (NPP), following their poor performance in the recent Lok Sabha elections.

The alliance of regional parties with the BJP has been highlighted as a factor contributing to their electoral setbacks in Meghalaya.

Responding to these developments, Syiem stated that the impact of these alliances will be evaluated by the UDP’s leadership.

Additionally, Syiem addressed the assertions made by the Voice of the People Party (VPP), suggesting a potential replacement of existing regional parties.

He noted that the veracity of such claims would only be tested during upcoming elections for the district councils or future Meghalaya assembly elections.