A comprehensive training cum sensitization programme of Anganwadi Workers and ASHA workers being held at the Indoor Stadium of Chandel district on June 23, 2018. Photo: Sobhapati Samom

A comprehensive training cum sensitization programme of Anganwadi Workers and ASHA workers was held in view of implementing the National Nutrition Mission or NNM at the Indoor Stadium of Chandel district headquarters, 70 km south of Imphal on Saturday.

Principal Secretary (Social Welfare) Vumlunmang inaugurated the day’s programme and it was attended by Deputy Commissioner, Chandel Krishna Kumar, Director (Social Welfare) Jachintha Lazarus, Jt Director (Social Welfare) Dr Sonia Oinam and ADC to DC, Chandel Loitongbam Leander.

Speaking on the occasion, Principal Secretary, (Social Welfare) Vumlunmang urged Anganwadi workers, ASHAs and ANMs to work together and focus to give the benefits of health care and nutrition to the people of the district. He also said that an order has been issued that ASHAs and Anganwadi workers along with ANMs should go to villages every week to meet the villagers to see their health and nutrition requirements. He also assured that necessary assistance will be provided for effective implementation of NNM.

In her speech, Director (Social Welfare) Jachintha Lazarus also emphasised the need for joint activities to be undertaken by Anganwadi and ASHA workers. During the programme, Jt. Director Dr Sonia Oinam spoke on National Nutrition Mission, state nodal officer (Maternal Health) Dr Meme Seram on Antenatal care, state nodal officer (Child Health) Dr Sylvia on New born care and nutrition, state nodal officer (RKSK) Dr Jubilee on Adolescent Health, SNO (Family Planning) Dr Sucheta on Family Planning and SNO (RBSK) Dr Ibemcha on (Rashtrya Bal Swasthya Karyakram). Supervisors, Anganwadi and ASHA Workers and concerned officials of health and Integrated Child Development Services department attended the programme.

Sobhapati Samom is Northeast Now Correspondent in Imphal. He can be reached at: [email protected]