mivi tv speaker

The stunning visual displays of modern ultra-thin LED and OLED TVs deliver incredible high-definition viewing experiences. But their slim, minimalist designs often come at the sacrifice of quality audio. Tinny, muted sound from small built-in speakers fails to do justice to today’s lifelike 4K and 8K screens. If you find yourself constantly straining to understand dialogue or feeling immersed by willowy bass on action scenes, a soundbar for tv is the solution. Read on to learn how adding this compact audio upgrade can transform your TV sound for clearer voices, thumping bass and truly cinematic surround effects.

1. Lacklustre built-in TV speakers

Ultra-thin LED and OLED screens may boast stunning visuals, but their compact builds leave little room for decent integrated speakers. The tiny drivers choke audio quality, from muted dialogue to booming action scenes that come across thin and harsh. A soundbar’s dedicated speaker components and amplification adds back the full, dimensional sound that flatscreen designs stripped away. 

2. Poor dialogue clarity

Dialogue from TV shows and movies gets easily lost in background noise and effects when played through inadequate built-in speakers. You’re constantly reaching for the remote to turn up the volume just to understand character voices. A soundbar boosts vocal clarity with focused centre channels, EQ tuning, and volume levelling so you never miss a line, even in loud scenes.

3. Weak bass response

With limited space for woofers, today’s ever-slimmer TV designs often sacrifice low frequency response. Their built-in speakers lack the ability to properly reproduce deep bass, resulting in anaemic, unsatisfying sound, especially for action movies and music. Explosions and soundtracks fall flat without enough oomph in the lower registers. Adding an external sound system like a soundbar and wireless subwoofer provides that missing thump and rumble to bring audio immersion back to your home theatre.

4. Better immersion for movies and games

The flat, two-dimensional sound from TV speakers destroys your suspension of disbelief when watching movies or playing games. You feel detached from the onscreen action rather than immersed in it. A soundbar uses discrete left, centre and right speaker drivers and advanced audio processing to create a 360-degree sound field that fully surrounds you. Audio effects pan seamlessly around you, putting you right in the middle of the entertainment for a truly captivating experience. 

5. Lack of volume and fullness

Built-in TV speakers often crackle, pop and distort when turned up to louder volumes required for cinematic impact. Their limited drivers struggle to produce smooth, full-range sound at higher decibel levels. A soundbar’s larger speaker components and dedicated amplification can effortlessly fill a room with robust, layered audio. Even at max volume the sound remains clean and distortion-free, providing that powerful theatre ambience right in your living room.


Today’s slim TV designs sacrifice audio quality for sleek industrial styling. Investing in a soundbar provides the dedicated speakers, surround sound processing, and amplification needed to deliver the full cinematic experience modern screens deserve. Your entertainment will come to life with clear dialogue, chest-thumping bass, and fully immersive surround effects for that big-screen movie theatre vibe at home.