DIMAPUR: In a move highlighting the spirit of unity within the NDA coalition, the National People’s Party (NPP) has announced its decision to extend support to the Naga People’s Front (NPF) candidate, Kachui Timothy Zimik, for the Outer Manipur Lok Sabha seat.

The decision was conveyed following a meeting between the president of the Manipur unit of the NPF party, Awangbow Newmai, and NPP officials held on Monday (March 25) in Dimapur, Nagaland.

Newmai expressed gratitude for the support extended by the NPP to the NPP candidate, Kachui Timothy Zimik.

Emphasizing the importance of unity and collaboration within the NDA alliance, Newmai welcomed the decision, stating that it further strengthens the coalition’s prospects in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Kachui Timothy Zimik, the NPF candidate, is poised to receive significant backing from the NDA alliance, enhancing his chances of success in the electoral contest.

In response to the support extended by the NPP, Kachui Timothy Zimik expressed his gratitude and appreciation.

He conveyed his commitment to representing the interests of the people of outer Manipur effectively, with the support of both the NPF and the NDA coalition.

The decision to extend support to Kachui Timothy Zimik reflects the collaborative approach adopted by the NDA constituents in working towards a common goal of securing victory in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

As the electoral campaign gains momentum, the NPF and NPP alliance is poised to make significant strides in Manipur’s political landscape, aiming to emerge victorious in the Outer Lok Sabha constituency.

NPF candidate Kachui Timothy Zimik formally submitted his nomination for the Outer Lok Sabha seat in Manipur on Monday (March 25).

Earlier, the Naga People’s Front’s (NPF) endorsed Kachui Timothy Zimik as the official NPF candidate for the Outer Manipur parliamentary constituency for the Lok Sabha elections 2024.

Zimik, a retired Indian Revenue Service (IRS) officer who previously served as the principal chief commissioner of income tax in the ministry of finance (revenue), brings extensive experience to his candidacy.

The Lok Sabha election in Manipur will be conducted in two phases, with the Inner Manipur seat scheduled for polling on April 19, and voters in Outer Manipur casting their ballots on April 19 and 26.

Meanwhile, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has declared its endorsement of the Lok Sabha candidate from the Naga People’s Front (NPF) in Outer Manipur constituency.