Indian Navy
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Guwahati: The Indian Navy on Saturday set an example for many to follow in the coming years. It has ‘institutionalised’ a novel transformative initiative of ‘360 Degree Appraisal Mechanism’ for various promotion boards.

The Indian Navy mentions that the present appraisal mechanism of periodic Confidential Reports by senior officers has an inherent limitation of a ‘Top-down’ approach, as it does not cater to or quantify a leader’s impact on subordinates.

The Indian Navy’s ‘360 Degree Appraisal Mechanism’ is aimed to address this shortfall by encompassing large-scale surveys from suitably identified peers and subordinates for every officer being considered for promotion.

The survey comprises a spectrum of questions, encompassing aspects such as professional knowledge, leadership attributes, suitability in war/crisis, and potential for holding higher ranks. Inputs, thus obtained, are suitably quantified for independent analyses by a nominated Board of Officers, headed by a Flag Officer.

This will also be provided as feedback to the officers to effect behavioural changes and improvements.

Similar appraisal systems are in vogue in various national and international learning organisations.

“The Indian Navy takes pride in imbibing such ‘best practices’ and this initiative is in continuation of other endeavours towards remaining a ‘Combat Ready, Credible, Cohesive and Future Proof Force’,” Indian Navy summed up.