Manipur governor
Najma Heptulla meets with the Japanese delegation

Manipur governor Najma Heptulla has sought investment from the visiting Japanese delegation for bettering road connectivity in the state. The 11-member Japanese delegation was led by Bhikshu Gyomyo Nakamura. He called on the governor at the Raj Bhavan on Wednesday afternoon.

The Japanese delegation came to Imphal to offer prayers for the victims of the Japanese Army, the Indian Army and civilians who died in the World War ll. Japan had been close to Manipur since World War II as the state was a battleground then and several Japanese soldiers were killed here. The delegation also visited WW II cemeteries in Imphal, Sangshuk in Ukhrul, Loktak lake etc.

Nakamura said Japan wants to improve relationship with the Northeast region. The Japanese delegation will also help in promoting ties between Japan and Manipur. Some of the key points raised during the meeting were cleaning of the Loktak Lake with investment from Japan, construction of roads and highways in the state.

Governor Heptulla showcased the potential of the state to the delegates and urged them to consider investing here. The governor stressed that with well built highways, the state can be well connected to the entire South East Asia.

Nakamura also said that he will promote Manipur tourism in Japan if the state government can provide good facilities to Japanese tourists. He also added that several Japanese tourists were keen to visit Manipur.