Teachers often wonder how they can develop patriotism in students and nurture the young minds to form an everlasting love for their motherland.

Here are 7 ways you can develop patriotism in students as suggested by parenting expert Dr. Pallavi Rao Chaturvedi-

1. Visit national museums

Museums are the wonderful places which gloriously showcase our ancient artifacts and narrate the tales of our history. The atmosphere there is simply strong enough to awaken the feeling of patriotism in children

2. Visit borders

Be it the Attari-Wagah border in Amritsar or the Akhaura border checkpost in Agartala, the brilliant performances by the soldiers there can always develop the spirit of patriotism among children as well as adults.

3. Read stories on freedom fighters and the struggle for Independence

When you read stories of freedom fighters to your kids, they will be inspired by their strength, courage and sacrifices. Story telling is an ancient way of entertaining kids and it has always worked wonders for them

4. Encourage them to participate in patriotic activities

Organize cultural functions in school ahead of Independence and encourage each student to participate in it. The spirit of togetherness which comes alive as a team will easily help in raising the spirit of patriotism among them.

5. Watch patriotic movies

Movies can influence children a lot and showing them patriotic films can easily make them feel proud of their motherland and raise the spirit of patriotism among them.

6. Visit historical monuments

Take your students on trips to war memorials and teach them about the sacrifices the soldiers and police personnel make for the motherland. This will easily raise the spirit of patriotism among them.

7. Meet soldiers

Take your students to meet soldiers and they can get a real life account about the struggles they face every day. This will make them seriously realize the meaning of patriotism.