During periods women undergo periods cramps to excessive fatigue and bloating. The diet plays an important role in controlling the camps and other problems that occur during periods. Change in the diet and eating at regular intervals helps with periods-related issues. It is preferable to eat high-water-content fruits and drink a lot of water to keep yourself nourished and reduce toxins from our body.

Many crave for sugary treats during periods but this can turn to be harmful. High sugar intake increases inflammation in our body. Decreasing sugary intake reduces inflammation and reduces menstrual symptoms.   

Here are few foods that helps to prevent period related issues:

  • Watermelon

Fruits like watermelon contain essential nutrients like lycopene which is an antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory properties. The high water content in watermelon keeps you hydrated which is crucial during menstruation. Eat watermelon in the form of fruit salad to keep yourself hydrated.

  • Ginger

Ginger has properties that helps to relieve period cramps. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce period cramps. Have ginger tea or add them your cooked food.

  • Beetroot

Beetroot contains beta-carotene and antioxidants that increase the blood flow to the uterus that reduces the intensity of periods cramps. The moderate iron content of beetroot help in mitigating fatigue.

  • Lemon

Lemons are a rich source of Vitamin C that is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin C help the ease the period cramps. You can have it in the form of lemon juice or lemonade to keep yourself hydrated.