astrology astrological benefits of having a dog

A dog don’t only make a great pet for people but having them in your house is good according to astrology and can provide you with some wonderful astrological benefits too.

They are always termed as the best friends of humankind and can always make perfect pets for people.

With their kind and loving nature, dog can adore their owners unconditionally and always remains by their side irrespective of their moods.

One of the best qualities of a dog is that it does not judge its owner whatever they do and remains loyal to them forever.

The best animal which can teach loyalty, dogs always remains overprotective of their masters and this is the reason why they try to frighten off guests unless strictly prohibited by their owners.

Besides being a protector and a loyal friend, dogs makes great playmates too and would happily indulge in any sort of game due to their merry playful nature.

According to all branches of astrology, some of the astrological benefits of having a dog as stated by astrologer Dr. Shefali Gupta are-

1. Dogs bring good luck and attract positivity. This automatically changes the energy and vibrations of the place.

2. They help in warding off the evil.

3. Our furry friends are great mood boosters.

4. These protectors of the animal kingdom always provide protection against any kind of harm.

5. Dog can improve your Saturn planet in your birthchart. Saturn is often called the god of karma or justice. It is associated with ethics, justice, career, achievements in life, virtues and values.

6. They even have the capability of calming down your Ketu which is a shadow planet and often considered to have a bad and ill effect in an individual’s life.

7. They also bring in all sorts of good fortune.