Assam school ragging

Digboi: A 16-year-old girl studying in Class 9 at Oil Valley School at Digboi in Eastern Assam’s Tinsukia district has been allegedly ragged by her classmates. 

The girl’s father filed a complaint with the Digboi police on Thursday, and a case has been registered under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.

The girl’s father said that his daughter had been behaving strangely since Tuesday evening. When he asked her what was wrong, she told him that she had been ragged by her classmates. She said that they had taunted her, asking her “Are you a boy or a girl?”, and had also touched her body inappropriately.

The girl’s father said that she had been very upset by the incident, and had been having trouble sleeping. She had also been to see a psychiatrist, but there had been no improvement in her condition.

The school authorities have denied any knowledge of the incident. However, the girl’s father said that he had met with the school management committee and that they had been dismissive of his concerns.

Police said they are investigating the matter and would take action against the accused students, who are all minors.

An investigation into the incident is underway, We would seize the CCTV footage and other material evidence to this effect and move as per law,”  Digboi Police Station OC Dibyajyoti Dutta said. 

This incident is a reminder of the dangers of ragging. Ragging is a serious offence, and can have a devastating impact on the victim. 

Laxman Sharma is Northeast Now Correspondent in Digboi. He can be reached at: [email protected]