There are times when we eat less carbohydrates and fats for losing weight. Intake of limited calories and excluding specific foods from our diet causes nutritional deficiencies and deplete the energy level of the person.  

People who tend to lose weight usually avoid eating snacks but eating healthy snacks can help in weight loss. Certain foods containing protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals can speed up your weight loss process. Sometimes when you are in a hurry and you don’t have time to cook then smart snacking tips can come to your rescue.

Choosing the right food then make snacking healthy. Including snacks that have less artificial sugars makes them healthy.

Here are some healthy snacking tips to follow:

  • Protein and fibre

Opt for snacks that combine the nutrients protein and fibre to promote satiety and control the blood sugar levels. Roasted chickpeas can be eaten as snack which is healthier to intake.

  • Intake small quantity

Practice portion control when snacking to prevent excess calorie intake. Intake small quantity of food to avoid overeating and mindless snacking.

  • Avoid added sugars

Consume snacks that have less amount of artificial sugar and sweeteners. Read the labels of the packaged food and select food-based snacks rather than processed foods. This helps to reduce the intake of artificial sugars.

  • Consume salads, vegetables

Eat salads, homemade trail mix or boiled eggs, and puffed rice cakes as snacks These are nutritious and do not lead to weight gain.

  • Listen to body’s hunger cues

Have snacks when you feel hungry rather than overeating food. Listen to your body’s signals hunger and fullness.