According to recent research, people who remain physically active in the afternoon have lower blood sugar levels compared to those who stay active at other times of the day. Changes in lifestyle such as a healthy diet and regular physical activity help to manage diabetes.

Patients with type 2 diabetes are advised to engage in physical activity on a regular basis to control their blood glucose levels. People with elevated blood glucose levels have a risk of suffering from heart disease, vision impairment, and kidney disease.

The research involves assessing whether the physical activity at certain times of the day whether is associated with increasing improvement in blood glucose control. The finding of the study suggests that patients with type 2 diabetes who get engage in physical activity in the afternoon show major improvements after one year in the trial. It has been seen that adults with type 2 diabetes are mostly active in the afternoon which showed a major improvement in controlling the glucose control in our body.

Moreover, the study includes over 2,400 participants who are required to wear a waist accelerometry recording device to measure physical activity. It has been determined that those people who got engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in the afternoon showed the highest reduction in blood glucose levels. The people who exercise in the afternoon had the highest chance of stopping their diabetes medications.