Obesity is one of the common health issues that the majority of people are facing today.

Obesity increases the risk of other health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

A recent study reveals that teenagers who are obese claim that hunger is preventing them from losing weight and have a more negative perception of their weight and worry that kids do not see hunger as a barrier.

The study carried out a sub-analysis of data from ACTION teens which is a global study of the experiences, care and treatment of adolescents living with obesity (ALwO), their caregivers and healthcare providers.

The survey-based study aims to improve awareness of management, treatment and support for adolescents living with obesity. The study found uncontrolled hunger to be the biggest barrier to losing weight (ALwO).

The study included data of 5,275 ALwO of the age of 12-17 years, 5,389 caregivers of ALwO and 2,323 healthcare professionals.

The people were grouped on the basis of the responses they gave to the survey questions about their barriers to losing weight is 38% while the ALwO group with no hunger barrier is 62%.

Adolescents living with obesity saw hunger as a barrier to losing weight and are more conscious about their weight.

A greater proportion of adolescents are extremely worried about their weight gain as compared to adolescents with non-hunger barrier.

The survey also reveals that the hunger-barrier ALwO are trying all possible ways to lose weight. The hunger-barrier ALwO frequently orders food while fewer people like to exercise together.

The researchers conclude that there is an association between inability to control hunger is a barrier to weight loss and dissatisfaction with their body and engagement in weight-management behaviours.

Many people living with obesity have weaker appetite regulation, with food having less impact on their body systems that inhibit eating behaviour.

This inability to control hunger causes unsuccessful weight loss attempts and weight regains leading to a feeling of unworthiness among them.

Healthcare professionals must be aware that uncontrolled hunger caused by obesity is the main barrier causing an inability to lose weight and should help youngsters to overcome this issue.