Horoscope Today astrological predictions
Daily horoscope

Horoscope Today | 12 May 2023: If you are interested in astrology, let us take you through what your day could look like.

Here is the horoscope for 12 May 2023. Read what the stars have in store for you today (12 May 2023)

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

A long pending job may finally get completed today.

One should focus on domestic issues.

You may take up a new exercise regime.

You will remain financially well off.

Love is likely to blossom as Cupid’s arrow finds its mark!

TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

An active lifestyle will help you keep fit.

But take care not to get worried about minor issues pertaining to health.

Things turn out well on the academic front.

A promotion or increment is likely for some, especially those in the government service.

Unexpected expenses may prove alarming and can eat into your savings.

Spirituality acquires a special meaning for you and urges you on the path to self-realization.

You are likely to enjoy your partner’s affection today.

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

Exercise will help to get you back into shape.

You are likely to attract wealth.

On the work front, you may be all set to start something new.

A lot of encouragement from the family is one the cards.

An excellent time is foreseen for those planning a vacation.

If you are in love, expect to spend a fulfilling time together with lover.

CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22)

Good health is likely to keep you energetic today.

Monetary gains are indicated.

It may become difficult for entrepreneurs to get a foothold in the market.

Get-togethers and parties may keep you happy on the family front.

Day seems favourable for builders and property dealers.

Partner will make efforts to resurrect flagging love life.

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

A new exercise regime will prove to be inspiring.

Taking the day off for personal work is indicated for some.

Those looking for a convenient place to stay will be able to find one.

Those in property business can find the day profitable.

Those awaiting results are assured of passing with flying colours.

Romance that has been flickering for some time is likely to grow into a flame.

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sep 23)

Inculcating physical workouts in your lifestyle will benefit health.

A friend is likely to step forward to finance your dream project.

Retailers and traders may soon get an opportunity to earn big bucks.

You may get totally involved in something at home.

Property dealers are likely to make a killing in the realty market.

Close encounters with someone you love are on the cards.

LIBRA (Sep 24-Oct 23)

Focus on workouts for gaining fitness and peace of mind.

Those into betting or playing the stocks are likely to earn big today.

Visiting a place of pilgrimage is on the cards for some.

Some of you may plan to build a house or buy property shortly.

Some students may heave a sigh of relief and feel upbeat about their performance.

Romantically, the day promises bliss.

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

An excellent time at work is assured, as you impress all.

Wealth is likely to come from unexpected sources.

Family provides support when you need it the most.

You can say goodbye to a health problem troubling you for a while.

A short journey will be both enjoyable and rejuvenating.

Your dual personality comes to the fore to confuse lovers!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Someone is banking upon you to provide assistance in a big project.

Your rigid outlook and inflexibility are likely to get you on the wrong side of a family member.

A project approaching a deadline may require your personal attention.

Acquiring a property is on the cards for some.

If you are in love, expect to spend a fulfilling time together with your lover.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

A competently handled job will help you boost your professional image.

Family life will be satisfactory, provided you keep negativity out of your system.

Health-wise you remain fit.

A lucrative deal may give more than expected profits.

Travelling together will help instill a sense of togetherness.

Paperwork regarding property is set to get completed soon.

Wedding bells may toll for those waiting for a suitable mate.

AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

You are likely to find yourself fit and full of energy today.

Things look most favourable on the financial front, as money pours in.

You will be able to rectify a mistake at work.

Travelling with family on a vacation is on the cards.

A property division will be to everyone’s satisfaction.

Chances of tying the knot by those in a long-term relationship cannot be ruled out.

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

Those in business may need to put in extra efforts to increase profits.

You need help, but you may be reluctant to ask.

Chances of falling in love are bright and will keep you in an upbeat mood the whole day.

Keeping away from home without informing may be tricky for some.

Chances of falling sick during a journey cannot be ruled out for some; so be careful.