Men always put in a lot of effort to achieve an ideal physique in order to fit into a certain body structure.

In the process of gaining muscle growth and strength, we consume certain supplements or steroids that help to maintain physical strength and ensure an increase in muscle mass.

Steroids are synthetic supplements or versions of testosterone which help enhance strength and muscle growth among men.

The testosterone they intake to enhance their appearance can adversely affect their health and fertility.

The steroids they consume to increase testosterone levels result in low sperm counts or even the absence of sperm.

Men like to achieve a certain level of fitness and engage in the consumption of products like steroids that helps to attain a desired muscle mass.

Infertility issue is a sensitive issue among both men and women leading to problems in relationships and sometimes even relationship failure.

Steroids affect the male reproductive system in the following ways:

  • While consuming steroids brain is tricked to assume that the body is producing the necessary amount of testosterone.
  • When the brain thinks it further signals the testicles to slow or even completely stop the production of sperm.
  • This confusion leads to lower sperm count levels or even the absence of sperm in some cases. The low levels of sperm even cause the testicles to shrink causing male infertility.

Here are a few adverse effects of steroids:

  • Cardiovascular system

Besides testosterone, steroids can increase low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels and decrease high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels. This causes high blood pressure, blood clots, heart attacks and stroke.

  • Endocrine system

Steroids cause hormonal imbalances that affect fertility and sperm production disrupting bodily functions like enlarged breast tissue, shrinking of testicles, baldness along with severe acne, cysts. In extreme cases it may also cause testicular cancer.

  • Muscular and skeletal system

The use of steroids may result in stiff tendons that may trigger the risk of tendon injury in adults. In adolescents, it may result in stunted growth.